A From Cultural Food to Employment project theory class

Auburn Diversity Services Inc (ADSi) has partnered with Tayitu Cultural and Educational Centre (TCEC) to implement the From Cultural Food to Employment project.

Unemployment among Ethiopian youth has been identified as one of the key issues which leads to the disengagement of young people with society, isolation, financial dependence on families, drug abuse and juvenile crime.

Running employment programs becomes necessary and critical to develop young people’s skill and build up their employability to give them more chances to find jobs.

The project provides theory classes delivered by famous chefs and professionals, and practical and work experience opportunities in a restaurant environment.

It involves services providers and ethnic community organisations, Ethiopian young people, professional chefs, and local restaurants (potential employers).

The young people have learned how to identify the main ingredients used to prepare traditional dishes and drinks, how to keep a restaurant clean, in order and attractive, how to satisfy customers’ needs and expectations, and how to provide a professional service.

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